I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
-Chinese Proverb

Sunday, September 25, 2011


          “Anyone who uses words, speaks – consciously or tacitly – on the basis of the assumption, even the certainty, that “I am” and “you are,” and that truth – knowing- exists.  To speak necessarily involves speaking to someone.  There are no monologues.  All monologues that we know about are basically dialogues.  Whoever engages in a monologue has previously spoken with other speaking beings.  When the loneliest person speaks at least one other is present.  No one speaks for himself alone.  Even the primordial monologue of the Creator immediately turned into a dialogue – even before it was uttered.  The Other, the second was present in the seed of the primal Word:  He was it (John 1.1-3).  Therefore the Word is truly the primal beginning.  As soon as something moves, to do something or to “think,” the Word is already there, and with it the beginning.  Even before it appears outwardly, before even (relative) outwardness exists, the Word is already there, before… before…
          When I speak to someone – in my ability to do so – I become, I am.  And you – for you I am, and for me you are.  The word blossoms between us: cognition, communication, the Logos.”

- Georg Kulewind

This blossoming of words between people is something that I hope to witness this year.  In eighth grade, we will be writing in our journals at the beginning of main lesson each day.  This monologue or “dialogue” can be a breathing space; a moment of calm in a busy day.