I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
-Chinese Proverb

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Dear Friends,

        We in the seventh grade are in our last week of the Geometry main lesson block.  Ratios have been the new material that we have been covering.  It is difficult to understand conceptually that there are not units but rather relationships involved in ratios.  The parts may multiply, grow or diminish, but the relationship stays the same.  For example, a circle may expand to infinity or shrink to a thought, but its ratio of circumference to diameter is always "Pi" or approximately 3.14 to 1.  Unlike the consistency of numbers, relationships between humans can't help but change as we are in a state of becoming; unlike the consistency of numbers.  This lawful union highlights the sense of truth that math and numbers can give us. 
        The other elevated plane of existence that we have been experiencing is that of beauty.  The harmony of numbers is gracefully shown in nature.  The proportions of the human form as well as the spiral growth of plants exemplify the regenerative properties of Phi ("The Golden Ratio") and the Fibonacci Sequence.  The students should be working on a project to bring their own creative experience into these harmonious numbers.  Please ask the students about their projects.